Tag: #DigitalGeometrySketchbook

  • The Nine Point Centre

    The Nine Point Centre

    How many centres do you think a triangle has? There are more than you might think. Maybe you learned about a few at school – the centroid, incentre and circumcentre are the classic ones that most people learn. But there are a few (actually, more than a few) more than that.

  • #DigitalGeometrySketchbook Days 21 to 30

    #DigitalGeometrySketchbook Days 21 to 30

    Throughout the month of June 2021 I created a daily maths art piece, each one using different software or different techniques, as part of the #GeometrySketchbook challenge on Twitter. As mine was all digital artwork, I used the #DigitalGeometrySketchbook tag. Here are the results of days 21 to 30.

  • #DigitalGeometrySketchbook Days 11 to 20

    #DigitalGeometrySketchbook Days 11 to 20

    Throughout the month of June 2021 I created a daily maths art piece, each one using different software or different techniques, as part of the #GeometrySketchbook challenge on Twitter. As mine was all digital artwork, I used the #DigitalGeometrySketchbook tag. Here are the results of days 11 to 20.

  • #DigitalGeometrySketchbook Days 1 to 10

    #DigitalGeometrySketchbook Days 1 to 10

    Throughout the month of June 2021 I created a daily maths art piece, each one using different software or different techniques, as part of the #GeometrySketchbook challenge on Twitter. As mine was all digital artwork, I used the #DigitalGeometrySketchbook tag. Here are the results of days 1 to 10.