Tag: triangles

  • Excircles and excentres

    Excircles and excentres

    The incircle of a triangle is fairly well known as the circle inscribed in the triangle – it’s tangent to each of the three sides, which means that it touches each one but doesn’t cross any of them. But did you know that triangles have three more circles that are (sort of) tangent to all…

  • The Nine Point Centre

    The Nine Point Centre

    How many centres do you think a triangle has? There are more than you might think. Maybe you learned about a few at school – the centroid, incentre and circumcentre are the classic ones that most people learn. But there are a few (actually, more than a few) more than that.

  • Dancing Triangles: Sunday Maths Animations Week 9

    Dancing Triangles: Sunday Maths Animations Week 9

    A spiral of dancing triangles…just because.