Tag: knight's tour

  • How Many Moves can a Knight Make?

    How Many Moves can a Knight Make?

    Imagine you’re a knight moving around on a chessboard, and you’re not allowed to visit any square that you’ve already been to. How quickly are you likely to get stuck?

  • Can You Turn This Pattern into a Knight’s Tour?

    Can You Turn This Pattern into a Knight’s Tour?

    Did you notice that, in the video for More Than Nine Million Billion Ways, the order in which the attempts at random knights tours appear makes a knight’s tour itself? This video explains where it comes from. (Spoiler: it isn’t randomly generated!)

  • More Than Nine Million Billion Ways

    More Than Nine Million Billion Ways

    If you make random knight’s moves around a chessboard, how likely is it that you’ll find a path that visits every square without visiting any of them more than once? This video discusses some of the maths around that idea, including a song about one knight’s attempt to do it.