
Here are some examples of musical things I’ve been involved in. If you’re interested in working together, get in touch.

More Than Nine Million Billion Ways is an original song about knight’s tours. The video includes an explanation of the maths behind the song, and a bonus puzzle.
I took part in Taskmathster on the 24 Hour Maths Game Show, with To Make a Real Good Proof, a mathematical parody of To Make You Feel My Love.
The Ant’s Lament is an original song, inspired by a puzzle, to draw attention to the plight of ants in unfair mathematical situations. I first performed this song as part of a talk for Clopen Mic Night.

I’m part of the team responsible for MathsJamJam, part of the annual MathsJam gathering, where we sing popular songs that have been rewritten with mathematical lyrics.

Hello! I’m Sam Hartburn, a freelance maths author, editor and animator. I also dabble in music and write mathematical songs. Get in touch by emailing or using any of the social media buttons above.

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