
I offer developmental editing, copy-editing, proofreading and answer checking for maths textbooks and digital resources at all levels and for popular and recreational maths books and content. If you’d like me to get involved in your project, get in touch.

Some testimonials from my clients

Thank you so much for such a thorough and thoughtful job on this.  I know the title is in excellent hands and appreciate your in-depth review. Silvia Langford, Elwin Street Productions

It’s been a pleasure working with you, too. You’ve done an absolutely amazing job, especially with picking up and pointing us in the right direction regarding the issue with the expressions and brackets. I will definitely be in touch and look forward to working with you again when I next manage a maths text. Lucy Tipton, Bloomsbury

Thanks for all your hard work on these; I was really pleased with the bios. I thought you did a great job – you followed the brief well, and I used your bios as a reference model for editors working on the other subjects as they were really strong. Besides that, you definitely piqued my interest in the subjects! Mairi Hamilton, Commissioning Editor, Oriel Square

It has been an absolute pleasure working with you. I wish any of the freelancers we worked with was as efficient, precise and professional as you have been. Yolanda Murillo, Atom Learning

Thanks very much for this last job, and thanks hugely for your input, hard work and patience throughout the whole project. It’s been great to work with you – you have a fantastic work ethic and clearly know your stuff. Sarah Sodhi, Freelance Project Manager

Thanks again for all of your hard work on this; your thoughtful input and attention to detail (particularly with regard to the artworks) has been invaluable. Ellicia Pendle, Project Editor, Pearson

Thank you so much for the wonderful work you did on ensuring everything was A1 in both the text and solutions. You spotted many errors that I had overlooked and thanks to you we have 2 books which I can safely say have minimal if any errors in them. It was a pleasure to work with you and I must say I was very taken by the detail you put into proofing documents. Padraic O’Luanaigh, author of Dynamic Maths LC Higher Books

Many thanks for this and for all your hard work on the proofs. I enjoyed working with you and your input has been very valuable. Linda Harvie, Oxford University Press

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with you in recent months. You have a wonderful way with authors – and you faced some highly challenging scripts. Dog’s-ear Publishing Services, France

Sam Hartburn’s work has always been highly impressive. A thorough professional, Sam is an expert when it comes to working with highly technical files. She is easy to work with, flexible and reliable and we can always count on her to do a thorough job. Rohini Krishnan, Editorial Manager, Newgen Knowledge Works, India

We truly appreciated Sam’s work: she carefully improved the manuscript; without trying to change the style of the exposition. It is difficult to find experts in both mathematics and English – Sam is one of the few. Jan-Frederik Mai and Matthias Scherer, authors of Financial Engineering with Copulas Explained

Sam provided an outstandingly professional and prompt copy editing service for a book containing highly technical subject matter. Very impressive! P. J. Austing, author of Smile Pricing Explained

Very happy customer here: Sam is a key supplier, and we know we can always count on her accordingly. Andrew Gillard, Gillard Editing

Sam has done a first class job proofreading for us and I thoroughly recommend her. She is meticulous and returns projects on schedule. She is flexible – marking up on PDF or paper. She raises pertinent queries, and authors we have worked with have been most grateful to her for spotting potentially embarrassing errors. Sarah Price, Manager of Education Titles, Out of House Publishing

Hello! I’m Sam Hartburn, a freelance maths author, editor and animator. I also dabble in music and write mathematical songs. Get in touch by emailing or using any of the social media buttons above.

3D geometry animations cardioid constructions Geogebra GeogebraArt geometry MathArt mathober mathober2023 MathsArt OpenSCAD parametric parametric curves poetry polygons polyhedra ruler and compass Rupert polyhedra Sunday Animations